Ayurveda help for artherosclerosis

Ayurveda help for artherosclerosis
Posted December 07, 2019

Our healthy ateries are flexible and elastic.Arteriosclerosis occurs when these arteries become thick,due to buildup of fats,cholestrol and other substances and sometimes restrict bloodflow  to your organs and tissues.

Reasons and Ayurveda help for artherosclerosis

Highblood pressure,high cholestrol,high triglycerides,smoking,insulin resistance,obesity or diabetes,inflammation from diseases such as arthritis,lupus or infections can initiate an atherosclerosis formation.

Atherosclerosis develops gradually.The effect of atherosclerosis differ depending upon which arteries narrow and become clogged with plaque.When atherosclerosis narrows the arteries to the heart,one may develop coronary artery disease,chest pain(angina),a heart attack or heart failure.

When it narrows the arteries to your brain,carotid artery disease which can cause a transient ischemic attack(TIA) or stroke can result.When atherosclerosis narrows the arteries in the arms or legs you may develop circulation problems in your arms and legs called peripheral artery disease while narrowing of arteries to your kidneys can result in high blood pressure or kidney failure.

Reversing atherosclerosis is possible ,but it needs drastic changes in lifestyle and food habits too.Eating healthy foods,exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight,quitting smoking are recomended.

Atherosclerosis is treated with different herbal combinations in ayurveda depending on the site of manifestation.Studies on these combinations show improvement in endothelial function of blood vessels and they improve other cardiovascular and metabolic parameters and biomarker levels in ayurvedic treatment dubai.

Dr Shyams Ayurveda clinic Dubai ,Jumeirah provides excellent cure for heart disesases with a commendable track record utillising the traditional keraleeya ayurveda therapies.



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