Ayurveda Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

Ayurveda Tips to Reduce Belly Fat
Posted April 16, 2021

I wish I had a magic herb to recommend you when millions are spent on supplements and equipment in the hope that, these products will lead to a stomach reduction quickly. It is impossible to find an exercise to "spot reduce" fat from the stomach or waist because of the way the human energy system works. Fatty tissue which is stored around the abdomen carries a greater health risk than fat located in the around the hip & thighs. Waist circumference and fat-distribution is more important than your actual weight, in predicting future health risks. Where we store fat is largely a combination of gender, age and genetic inheritance. Some health studies show that abdominal fat can develop as a result of stress.

Losing 10 kg would bring you to the healthy weight range. Losing a kilogram of fat, a week is a sensible goal. To lose 1 kilogram a week, you will need to spend approx. 8000 more calories than you eat that week, through increased physical activity or decreased eating or through both. An hour’s walk can burn around 130kcal which is just equivalent to the calorie value of a croissant! So, what you eat is more important in a weight loss program. Ayurvedic approach to weight reduction is a person centric approach instead of ‘One bullet for all’. An Ayurveda consultation can help you in determining your body type. Kapha body types have higher BMI than Vata & Pitta body types. Eating right kind of food for each body type is also important in an Ayurvedic perspective.

As per our biological clock; the hormone Melatonin begins to produce by 7-8 PM preparing our physiology to sleep. However, several of us go for exercise after 7 PM and dinner at midnight; which is another lifestyle mistake. Exercise in the morning or daytime is healthier. You may also consult a doctor to rule out any gastro-intestinal disorders like IBS which can result in bloating of the stomach. Monitor and revise your food habits, increase the non-caloric items like green leafy vegetables, and fruits (except bananas). Reduce uncooked foods. Follow a healthy weight loss diet (1250 – 1400 kcal), combined with fitness exercises and a stomach-toning exercise to tighten and strengthen abdominal muscles. Reducing a fat stomach takes time - especially if you are an apple shape. So, please don't get impatient. Your fat belly will disappear with consistency!

Tips to reduce belly fat in Ayurveda

  • Eat healthy foods according to your body type, smaller portions, and aim for slightly more protein and slightly less processed carbohydrates and oils.
  • Drink as much water as possible: it aids in digestion and fat burning
  • Move around as often as you can; remain active at home or at the office.
  • Begin cutting out sugar and beverages like soda.
  • Consult a doctor to rule out any underlying causes of weight gain (eg. Thyroid problems, PCOD).
  • Few regular sittings of Udvarthanam (a massage with herbal powder) and Dhanyamla dhara may create some good results.  Ayurveda treatment like Varanadi kashayam, Varadi kashayam, Chirivilwadi kashayam, Kanchanara guggulu etc. can be used to fasten metabolism & deplete fat. Intake of Rasayana therapies can give for stable & long term effect (eg: Silajith Rasayana, Bhallathaka rasayana). Consult with the physician at one of Dr. Shyam’s Ayurveda centre branches (Karama, Al Nahda, Jumeirah, Dubai Health Care City, Ajman) for a prescription. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Shyam, refer the clinic timings on vaidyashyam.com
  • You may take 5 grams of Venga (Pterocarpus marsupium) powder boiled with water once daily. Triphala choornam (5 grams) can also be used in this way.