When HBV enters your liver, it invades the liver cells and begins to multiply. This causes inflammation in the liver and leads to the symptoms of hepatitis B. Hepatitis B may be either short-lived (acute hepatitis B) or long lasting (chronic hepatitis B). Acute hepatitis B lasts less than six months. If the disease is acute, your immune system is usually able to clear the virus from your body and you should recover within a few months.
Most people who acquire hepatitis B as adults have an acute infection. When your immune system can't fight off the virus, hepatitis B may become life long, possibly leading to serious illnesses. A chronic infection may go undetected for decades until a person becomes seriously ill from liver disease. Ayurveda has good track record when it comes to the treatment of liver diseases.
Ayurveda herbs like kalmegh, bhuiamala, punarnava, bhringaraj, chirayata, baheda, guduchi and katuki are effective antiviral and immune boosters. To protect your liver, avoid alcohol and caffeine. Medicines prescribed will vary according to the symptoms, which may include abdominal pain, fever, joint pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, weakness, fatigue and jaundice.
There are several effective medicines for the treatment of hepatitis B like vasa guloochyadi kashayam, patoladi kashayam, avipathi choornam, guloochyadi kashayam. Consult an Ayurveda doctor for a detailed diagnosis and a course of treatment.
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