Oh you are so fat.. stop eating!!!…haven’t you heard this from anyone??? Or do you feel yourself shame of being obese…well you are at risk.. we want to make people aware of obesity…I found a good medical quote…..obesity is not because it runs in family!!! it is because no one runs in the family!! Jokes apart let’s see what is obesity? What is its prevalence throughout the world? And how can we manage? in an ayurvedic way.
present period is more challenged with lifestyle diseases. Obesity is one among that and more complex than you think! Obesity is considered as a main cause or root for many other diseases. junk foods, alcohol, sedentary life styles are leading us to land up in such lifestyle diseases. according to studies the number of overweight & obese people are globally increased.
So obesity is a condition involving an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a negative effect on health.
Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) 30 or more is obese. The range 25-30 is considered as overweight. A body mass index is a measurement obtained by dividing a person’s weight by the square of the person’s height (weight in kg/height in m2)
Obesity may increase your risk of diseases & heart problems particularly cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 DM, osteoarthritis, infertility, irregular periods, fatty liver.
This can also affect your quality of life & lead to psychological problems such as Depression, shame, guilt & social isolation.
It is more common in women than men
Obesity can sometimes caused by certain medical conditions such as
In Ayurveda obesity has been described as sthoulya or medoroga in santarpana vikara, ie, the disease caused by over nourishment. Kapha is an ayurvedic dosha.in its balanced state it nourishes the tissues but if it aggravated it abnormally accumulated in weaker channels (srotas) of the body causing their blockage (avarodha). In this case of an obese person medhovaha srotas is affected and the site of metabolic disturbance in an obese individual is medho dhathu. It caused mainly due to excess intake of Madhura & snigdha (sweet & oily) foods.
Simple obesity is due to over eating, heavy, sweet, oily foods having cold potency, lack of exercise, day sleep and hereditary predisposition or it can be due to some endocrine dysfunction
Accumulation of fat on the abdomen, dyspnoea on exertion, lethargy, perspiration also such persons develop excessive hunger & thirst, foul body odour, loss of sexual power and exhaustion
In case of obese patient his Agni (digestive fire) is increased and this leads to quicker digestion of food & forcing the person to eat more.
If the condition is not properly treated various complications like HYPERTENSION, HYPER CHOLESTEROL, HEART DISEASES, HYPER ACIDITY, DIABETES (these are collectively known as the metabolic syndromes) are produced.
The aim of treatment is to help you lose weight & maintain a healthy weight. weight lose programmes are available and they require changes in your eating habits & increased physical activity. Various weight loss programmes are available in Dr shyam Ayurveda centre Dubai, Ajman etc. metabolic syndrome needs an extra care because it may affect your daily life and causes many complications as well. Our aim is to cure the metabolic syndrome and thereby prevent production of further complications. All metabolic syndromes are due to improper lifestyle. First and foremost, we keep an eye on your daily routines and suggest lifestyle modifications. After correcting the root cause, we look into the therapy part, that is by doing udwarthana (powder massage) etc. along with that internal administration of ayurvedic medicines do its magic job in your body.
Undergoing panchakarma therapies & yoga will surely help. Among panchakarma vamana, virechana, vasthi are highly beneficial in reducing weight. Based on signs & symptoms sthoulya may treated with sarvanga udwarthana & different swedana procedure. Dr shyam Ayurveda is providing best & quality treatment for your obesity in UAE. Our centres in Dubai, Ajman and others have the best udwarthana massage treatment and done by experienced therapists under the proper guidance of an Ayurvedic doctor. The ayurvedic doctor will assess you and finds your dosha imbalance. Based on the cause doctor advises suitable treatments and medicines.
Yogas like surya namaskara, bhujangasana, dhanurasana,pavanmuktasana,gomukhasana will help.
Patients of obesity should be given food that will reduce Kapha & fatty tissue also anti-Vata. This means all the food substances should be on proper diet, exercise and medication
It is observed that drugs like Guggulu,vrukshamla,lasuna etc promoted for controlling obesity. medicines like varunadi Kashaya,lohasava, vidangadi choorna,vidangadi loha, Trayushanadi loha,punarnavadi guggulu, etc has proven its effect on obesity.
FEW TIPS TO KEEP SAFE FROM FAT are to keep away from overeating, get regular daily exercise, avoid a sedentary lifestyle and sleep well at night.
Positive thinking-àfeel goodà regular exercise à eat better =healthy living
Dr.Shyam Ayurveda centre UAE specializes in the best & authentic ayurvedic treatments & panchakarma therapies in Dubai, UAE
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